Ysolda is wearing Orchid Theif

We’ve  got some great classes and workshops coming up this Autumn. As well as our usual assortment of beginners, learners and advanced classes we have added specialist workshops focused on particular techniques and held by well know knitters. This weekend Ysolda Teague is teaching two sweater fitting workshops , September 17th and 18th. There are still a few places left on each day! Ysolda will be signing books all weekend and we are giving 10% off on any yarn bought to make one of her projects. We are also hosting the launch and book signing for Best in Show: Cats  …

Autumn Workshops, Ysolda weekend and Cats! Read more »

Knitters love cats! Just look at all the catavatars on Ravelry! They should be our natural enemies, due to the damage they inflict on our yarn, but we love em! The best selling authors of Best in Show: Dogs, Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne, have done it again with a book that shows you how to knit your own cat. Join us on Saturday September 17th, from 2-4pm for the book launch of Best in Show: Cats. If you came to our book launch for Jane Brocket’s book, you’ll know we have a good time ~ lots of tea, lemonade, …

Best in Show: Cats Read more »

Madelinetosh sock in William Morris and Trodden

  Madelinetosh sock in William Morris and Trodden Sympathy for Norway Firstly we’d like to extend our Sympathy and good thoughts to everyone in Norway following the terrible events last Friday.  We have customers, friends, relatives and staff from Norway and we are thinking of all of you. Knit Nation Knit Nation was wild! Thanks to everyone that came and queued so patiently on the Friday night…we heard people waited for up to 40 minutes to pay. Our best sellers included Wollmeise (of course, you guys just can’t get enough), all our  Madeline Tosh yarns (fantastic new colours!), Viola (our …

Post Knitnation Update Read more »