Loop is having a bake sale, March 26th – 27th, to raise money for the Japanese Red Cross. Everyone is invited to bring baked cakes and cookies to Loop, which will be on sale in the shop throughout the weekend. All proceeds go to the Red Cross. Any donations welcome. Please come by and have some cake with us!

Thanks to everyone who came out for Cookie A day, last Sunday. We really appreciated Cookie’s time, and Rachel and Laurie’s cookies! It was nice to see familiar faces as well as new-to-Loopers like Anne Hanson and her husband. We have a limited number of signed copies of Cookie’s book, knit. sock. love.,  in stock. If you order now you will get a signed copy. Loop Jumble Sale We have another event this Saturday, February 12th. All day Saturday Loop is having a jumble sale. We are clearing out old stock and samples very cheaply. Please pop by. You never …

Signed copies of Cookie A’s New Book Read more »

Don’t forget tomorrow ~Sunday, February 6th, from 12:00 ~ 2:00, Cookie A will be visiting us with samples of her socks and books to be signed. Come along and have some cookies, knit-chat and fun with us!