With spring emerging in London town, we are starting to dream of warmer days and balmy evenings. With, of course, lighter knitting projects to showcase our favourite colours and to grace shoulders when the weather inevitably changes. Our spring window has the perfect design and colours to inspire you, with Helga Isager’s ‘Camomille Shawl’.

Loop loves to source yarns from all over the globe, but we also make sure to support independent dyers here in the UK – so how could we refuse a yarn named after the neighbourhood where Loop resides!? Our newest addition, ‘Islington’ is from London based Kettle Yarn Co. Islington is a blend of British Bluefaced Leicester and silk, creating a smooth yarn that has both a beautiful drape and crisp definition, perfect for lace and luxurious knits. Make sure to read to the end of the post to find out how to enter our competition to win a skein …

Kettle Yarn Co. Read more »

Now for something completely different – new Koigu Merino Lace at Loop! We have always been head-over-heels for Koigu’s wonderfully unique colourways; Koigu’s Painter’s Palette Premium Merino (or KPPPM) has been a mainstay on our shelves for years. It’s not hard to see why! The short colour repeats in the variegated skeins, or the delightful speckles, make for some very fun knitting indeed. The Babette Blanket Juju crocheted using some of Koigu’s wonderful colourways is a Loop classic. So when Koigu announced they were coming out with a laceweight, we couldn’t resist!