Crochet Baby!

Crochet Baby!

If you popped into Loop during our first three weeks of opening, you might have seen my Babette blanket in progress. I’ve been crocheting squares in spare moments, for the last six weeks. Well, it’s finally finished…

Ta Da!

That’s it, snuggled up in my favourite shop chair with  crochet Bambi. It was so much fun to make! Almost every square was a different combination and sequence of colours, so it never got boring.

Kathy Merrick designed the Babette blanket for Interweave Crochet, in Koigu kpm, but any yarns of  similar weight can be combined to good effect. The Loop version of the blanket uses sock yarns, that are machine washable, for baby-friendliness. We brought Toshsock, Jitterbug, Nature’s palette, Koigu kpm and kpppm to our playground and had great fun choosing the palette in Loop favourite colours.

  1. Toshsock grasshopper
  2. Jitterbug Wasabi Squeeze 162
  3. Koigu kpm1233
  4. Koigu kpppm 328
  5. Nature’s palette coral bells
  6. Toshsock Cherry
  7. Koigu kpppm 332
  8. Koigu kpm 1163
  9. Koigu kpppm 214
  10. Koigu kpm 1161
  11. Nature’s palette light teal
  12. Koigu kpppm 529
  13. Jitterbug Elephant’s Daydream
  14. Koigu kpppm 539
  15. Koigu kpppm 454

I changed the plain outer edge to a little scalloped crochet edging (in blue) as follows:

1st row: Single crochet all the way around blanket.

2nd row: *Chain 4, skip 2 single crochet, slip stitch into next single crochet* repeat all the way around blanket edge.

3rd row: *Half double crochet in chain space 7 times, slip stitch in next chain space, chain 3, slip stitch in same chain space, slip stitch in next chain space* Repeat all the way around blanket edge and then bind off.

Crochet squares make great portable summer projects. We’ll have some more suggestions for these over the next few weeks.

~Juju at Loop

14 Comments on “Crochet Baby!

  1. ahhhhh girl that is just sooooooooooo gorrrrrrrrrrgeous
    love the colours–its simply beautiful –well done–keep these crafts alive xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<3

  2. Beautiful colours, just gorgeous – well done! I wish I could create such a lovely woolly thing.

  3. so delicate!….pretty pretty pretty! I’m making a knitted one myself at the moment from mitred squares….it’s always the thought of joining them all together that is daunting!

  4. Wow, this is just SO beautiful !!! The color choice is superb! You inspired me :D You started me on knitting granny squares , hehe :D 2 done, 20 more to go (or may be 50, depends on how big a blanket I’m gonna make >.<) :) Now, to search through my piles of garn to find some more matching colors XD Oh by the way, your photography skills are awesome !!!

  5. Beautiful blanket . I am making for a friends new grandchild using leftover sock yarns. How many 2 inch & 4 inch squares did you make? When completed how big is your blanket before the edging is added?


  6. BRAVO!! It is so perfectly at home with its every moment! Really, the color way choices seem inspired. I wonder if you would consider ( for those of us, like myself, who are spatially-challenged when it comes to “seeing” design components arranged in relation one to another ) putting together a LOOPS KIT for this group of yarns? And if you would, what would it cost? I hope it isn’t altogether rude to ask . . . I know that we, on this other side of the Atlantic can be that way . I certainly don’t mean to be! I’m filled with admiration & pleasure over what you’ve created! Thank You! Best, Robin

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