The Crow Waltz Shawl with Old Maiden Aunt

The Crow Waltz Shawl with Old Maiden Aunt

Loop loves yarn from all over the world but it is a particular joy to carry special yarn from our native isles.  Over the next few months we’ll be getting more UK yarns into the shop. But right now we’d like to introduce you to one of our new favourites: Old Maiden Aunt.

Old Maiden Aunt yarns are dyed by Lilith in Scotland. We carry her DK weight alpaca/silk blend. These yarns are hand-painted with a very subtle blend of semi-solid colours. The alpaca/silk content means they drape beautifully and are very warm without being bulky.  The colour range isn’t huge but the colours have a distinct way of working together. It would be hard to make a bad choice in combining any of her colours.

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I’ve used Old Maiden Aunt yarn to make two variations of my Crow Waltz Shawls. These are great patterns to use the colours together.

The Pdfs for The Crow Waltz Shawl patterns are here.  The Crow Waltz shawl and The Rectangular Crow Waltz shawl. Thank  you to everyone at Ravelry who has expressed an interest and waited patiently for me to get the patterns up on our new blog.

However you use your Old Maiden Aunt… you gotta love her!

Juju at Loop (the patterns were last updated Feb. 22, 2011)

This is a free pattern and all images and text are copyright of Loop Knitting Ltd. It is for personal and non-profit use only. This means you can knit it for yourself, as a gift or for charity. You may not sell a garment made from this pattern. You may not reproduce this for sale. Please ask if you wish to translate it or use to teach a class.

Thank you!

43 Comments on “The Crow Waltz Shawl with Old Maiden Aunt

  1. This yarn is so yummy. I will have to buy new skeins to pet as soon as I have knit this scarf. But which one will it be? square or rectangular? hm… decisions decisions.

  2. Thank you Juju,

    I’ll be making this in OMA alpaca sport in ‘Kelpie’ and ‘Brass Taps and Oak’. Can’t wait to get cracking!

  3. Juju, thanks so much for all your hard work to make this lovely pattern available to us for free! Cheers, Jessica aka stripedesocks on Ravelry

  4. This yarn is unbelievably wondrous. I’m in the U.S., and it was totally worth every penny to get it over the Pond. I want every color now. Thanks for the beautiful pattern, Juju. And thanks, Lilith, for a truly superior product.

  5. Juju — your instructions are beautiful; thoughtfully illustrated, and spelled out carefully and completely. It was well worth the wait. Thank you!

  6. Oooh – this is amazing!!! I am definately going to enjoy chosing some of Lilith’s scrumptious yarn to make my own!

  7. Thank you for the pattern – it’s truly beautiful. Sorry you’ve gone from ‘polka dots’ but I will be following you from here instead.

  8. Hi juju! this is just absolutely beautiful!
    Im having trouble opening both the .pdfs though…
    maybe I’ll try again tomorrow :)

    Anyway, thank you!

    • Found it! It says in the pattern… approximately in sport weight yarn 27cm x 125cm (10″ x 49″). It is easy to work our how to increase length and width but you will need more yarn.

  9. Love the site and wish you all the best at your new site,

    My 97yr old grandad said

    Take the tools of the Present,

    The experience of the Past,

    and make yourselves a pathway to the Future.

    Good luck from Carol

  10. I tried to open the rectagular shawl pdf and it fails, I also downloaded it and it says it is corrupt!! Help.

    • I’ve checked it out on a few different computers and had no problem. It could be that you need to update your adobe reader. Try that and try downloading or try downloading on someone else’s computer. Please let me know how you get on. Juju

  11. I have knitted this pattern and am very happy with the finished shawl. So happy in fact, that I decided to knit a baby blanket in the same pattern, using a ribbon cotton and 9mm needles. Baby will ove it when it is born.

    Thanks for this lovely pattern

  12. I noticed that in the written directions for the lace edge, you say to p2tog on the odd rows, but in the chart the symbol indicates k2tog. I just picked one, made a note, and will finish accordingly, but which did you mean?

    • I have just noticed this mistake myself (i was remaking the shawl recently.) I will change it. I meant p2tog. It would also work with k2tog, but look slightly different. Thanks for reminding me. ~ juju

  13. Hi, what length circular needle do you suggest? I am fairly new and not very confident at ordering needles!

    Many thanks.

  14. Hello!

    Your Rectangular Crow Waltz shawl is gorgeous! I love the edging and the yarn colors you used. I would love to knit it, but I can’t seem to download the pattern from the link you provided; I keep getting an error message. Please help. Thank you for whatever you can do.


  15. This is a gorgeous shawl!! Thank you for making the pattern available. I am in awe of your ability to take your creative ideas and make them a reality. Bravo!!

  16. Hi
    I think this shawl looks wonderful. I have decide to knit it using natural wool in 8ply and increased the needle sizes to keep the drapy feel. I am doing the rectangular because It work for me better as a scarf.

    However I am having a little difficulty. Using Swadale which is off white and Welsh border which is blackish. On the Odd Slip pattern I get strips running up the back of the knitting – this is obviously because the the Colours always start in the same place. Am I doing this right or should there be a chequered pattern on the back ?

  17. I just returned from London where I visited Loop and purchased the yarn for this lovely shawl. I thought that the two skeins were for the entire shawl and than read further to see that you use a separate yarn for the crocheted edge. Can anyone recommend a yarn to use that can be purchased in the U.S.?
    Thanks for your help in advance.

  18. Hi Everyone!

    I bought the yarn for the Crow Waltz…it crossed the Atlantic….now I am knitting. I am fine EXCEPT FOR THE CENTER SPINE. I read “sl2 knitwise, k1, PSSO” and I do just that….it looks awful. What am I doing wrong?? I slip 2 stitches knitwise, I knit the third stitch, then I pass the 2 slipped stitches over the knit stitch. Is this right??? It can’t be right because it looks so awful.

    susan in USA

    • The first two slipped sts should be slipped knitwise together at the same time so that the second stitch lies on top of all the other stitches. When the three stitches are decreased together, the second stitch is on top with the first and third underneath, in that order. This is it here.

  19. Hi!
    My friend made this shawl and it’s gorgeous. Has anyone made it larger than the original pattern? If so, might I have the recipe?

  20. Hi. I have knit the lace edge and border, and am about to start the body of the rectangular shawl. The pattern says pick up 60 stitches, so should I make an extra stitch on the garter row before starting the odd slip stitch pattern? Thanks for any help

  21. Sorry, another question. Is the reverse side of the odd slip stitch pattern supposed to look the same as the ‘right’ side? Mine is coming out as a small chequerboard pattern on the reverse. Is that correct? Thanks.

  22. I have completed the shawl to the last 3 stitches, and it is not looking right. The top of the shawl is to a point. It starts off looking great, but decreases to a point ( not straight across). It seems if I start to pick up the 70 stitches, there will be more than that. What have I done wrong. I love the pattern, and really want it to turn out correct. Thank You

  23. I plan on knitting this for a military wife here in San Diego.

    I don’t know the end of this instruction – see ???:

    Picot Bind Off
    Cast on a stitch by inserting the right needle between
    the first two stitches on the left needle, wrap the yarn
    around the right needle, pull the newly made stitch to
    the front and place on the left needle. Cast on one
    more stitch in the same way. Bind off 4 stitches.
    Transfer the remaining stitch on the right needle to
    the left needle. Repeat these steps until all the stitches ???

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