I  know many of you turn to the outdoors for the warmer months, but don’t forget your knitting while enjoying  the garden. Now is the perfect time to sit in a hammock and tackle a little lace knitting. [album: https://www.loopknitlounge.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/lace-knitting/] Probably our most popular yarn, at the moment, is Malabrigo Lace. We have over 35  luscious colours (with more to come) and the stock has recently been replenished.  It’s almost as soft as cashmere! I’ve knit two shawls in it recently. Above is the Triangular Summer Shawl from Nancy Bush’s  Knitted Lace of Estonian. This is one of my favourite …

Summer Lace Read more »

If you popped into Loop during our first three weeks of opening, you might have seen my Babette blanket in progress. I’ve been crocheting squares in spare moments, for the last six weeks. Well, it’s finally finished… Ta Da! That’s it, snuggled up in my favourite shop chair with  crochet Bambi. It was so much fun to make! Almost every square was a different combination and sequence of colours, so it never got boring. Kathy Merrick designed the Babette blanket for Interweave Crochet, in Koigu kpm, but any yarns of  similar weight can be combined to good effect. The Loop …

Crochet Baby! Read more »