Cookie A Day
Don’t forget tomorrow ~Sunday, February 6th, from 12:00 ~ 2:00, Cookie A will be visiting us with samples of her socks and books to be signed. Come along and have some cookies, knit-chat and fun with us!
Don’t forget tomorrow ~Sunday, February 6th, from 12:00 ~ 2:00, Cookie A will be visiting us with samples of her socks and books to be signed. Come along and have some cookies, knit-chat and fun with us!
We are now stocking some special products from Sajou in France. We went nuts when we saw how beautifully designed and presented their products were and choose some for our shop. We have beautiful sewing kits, scissors, tape measures, pin cushions and darning threads. I don’t yet own a pair of their scissors but I will be adding the tortoiseshell ones above to my birthday wish list (in March, in case you are wondering). I’m especially delighted with the darning threads because they are 50% wool and 50% nylon and very fine. This makes them perfect for carrying along with …
These are the much loved Ysolda Teague, Veyla mitts from Whimsical Little Knits Two. They are a great way to use-up left-over yarn, as they only take between 10-20g of yarn to complete. I made this pair before Christmas with some left over Old Maiden Aunt yarn in Dreich colour. I used vintage crystal buttons to finish the cuff. They were so pretty. We just got a fresh delivery of Old Maiden Aunt Yarns and this batch is really lovely! I’ve seen Veyla made up successfully, in all sorts of yarns. I really admired a pair by one of our …