Lucky us! Not only do we get a spacious, light and delightful new shop but we get to open it with an exhibition of Julie Arkell’s papier-mache dolls. Julie’s creatures are perking up our windows for the next month! Julie is a friend of Loop. Not in the virtual Facebook sense, but in the Pops-in-to-say “Hi” way. Julie gives workshops at Loop and you can buy any of her exhibition pieces. If you can’t get down to see the exhibition, I’ve put together a little slide show of her work. Click on the first thumbnail to see it enlarged and …

Julie Arkell Exhibition Read more »

Just to let all our lovely Loop customers know that we have settled into our new home and all our mail-orders are back on track. This means that we try to pack and post your orders on the same day that we receive them. Royal Mail willing, all orders will be with you in a day or two!

Phew! We are still reeling from the opening of our new shop! We’ve never had a day like it!  There were over 130 people waiting in the queue when our shop opened to applause and cheers. (It was very heart warming ~ tears were shed backstage!) Thank you to everyone who came and made the day such a joyous celebration for us! Many bloggers have written about the event and posted pictures of the mayhem. (Lookie here,  here, here, here and here for just a taster.) I’d love to hear from others who have pictures and blog links! I wasn’t …

Opening Day Party Read more »