Beautiful spring colours for cosy sweaters!

We’re proud to say that Loop now stocks printed patterns from PetiteKnit! Mette is the wonderful woman and entrepreneur behind the brand of PetiteKnit. Mette channels her creativity into her passion for knitting, and we are so glad! These are really beautiful knitting patterns. PetiteKnit patterns range from simple baby clothes to more complex adult patterns for sweaters and cardigans. We’re so excited to have these at Loop!

Oshare the Love blanket, Watercolours Blanket (background left) and Mondo Fil yarn

Introducing a new yarn; Oshare Pompom yarn is made up of tiny spaced pompoms. It looks great knitted together with another yarn to create texture and trims.

We told you to get ready for an Autumn of new yarns and here is our latest arrival – Big Bad Wool Weepaca! Everything you could want from a baby yarn – super soft, yummy colours and the most wonderful patterns to make treasured items for precious babes.