Simple ripple scarf using two skeins of Koigu

Hi folks, This isn’t a new pattern, but an update the simple ripple scarf we posted a couple of years ago. This is a simple non-lacy ripple scarf pattern that can be made from two skeins of Koigu  KPPPM yarn. The scarf above is made with just one skein each of Koigu KPPPM 100 and KPPPM 214 which are alternated every second row. The scarf can be made wider and longer but you will need more yarn. You can find the pattern here Ripple Scarf Pattern. Loop, London N.B. This pattern has now been updated again July 2015, in conjunction with the release …

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Stephen West

We’ve got lots of Very Important Knitting People (VIKP, don’t you know?) visiting us soon. Of course, everyone who knits is important, (this goes without saying, no?) but we have some special knitting visitors coming from far and wide! Those of you still in London in August can ignore that silly circus in Stratford; we’ve got Stephen West coming to Islington! Join us on Saturday the 11th from 2-4pm. Stephen will be unveiling his latest Mystery KAL (knit-along shawl pattern), signing books, previewing WestKnits Four and chatting!   This mystery Kal has almost 1500 people knitting it right now! Stephen …

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